THURSDAYS with Miss Christa
Ballet Level 1 (beginning): Ages 5-8 - Thursday @ 4:30 PM
In this level, students will begin to learn the structure of a traditional classical ballet class. Some of the main goals for this level are to learn proper posture and turnout, building strength and flexibility, and also demonstrating a sense of grace and love of dance and movement. There will also be an emphasis on musicality and spatial awareness, and beginning ballet vocabulary.
Ballet Level 2 (beginning/intermediate): Ages 8 - 12 - Thursday @ 5:30 PM
This level will be introduced to a full-length ballet class. Beginning at the barre, working through center, and traveling across the floor, students will expand their ballet vocabulary. A strong focus will be placed on the posture and placement, as well as developing turn out and articulation through the feet and legs. More attention on upper body placement and the coordination will be explored at this level.
Ballet Level 3 (Intermediate): Ages 9+ - Thursday @ 6:30 PM
Expanding from level 2, students will further their development in the ability to execute complex series of combinations. One main goal for this level is using the head, port de bras, and epaulement in coordination with the legs. Combinations will increase in complexity and rigor as students are challenged to develop their technique, coordination, and stamina. Pre-Pointe work will also be introduced at this level.
Ballet Dress Code: Black Leotard & Pink Tights